The Complete Metasploit Guide

Sagar Rahalkar

Language: English

Publisher: Packt Publishing


Master the Metasploit Framework and become an expert in penetration testing.


Key Features

  • Gain a thorough understanding of the Metasploit Framework
  • Develop the skills to perform penetration testing in complex and highly secure environments
  • Learn techniques to integrate Metasploit with the industry's leading tools

    Book Description

    Most businesses today are driven by their IT infrastructure, and the tiniest crack in this IT network can bring down the entire business. Metasploit is a pentesting network that can validate your system by performing elaborate penetration tests using the Metasploit Framework to secure your infrastructure.

    This Learning Path introduces you to the basic functionalities and applications of Metasploit. Throughout this book, you'll learn different techniques for programming Metasploit modules to validate services such as databases, fingerprinting, and scanning. You'll get to grips with post exploitation and write...